Calibration is always performed following a specific international or local procedure standard.
Calibration is essential for every measuring instrument to assure the correct results.
But what are the most common available Calibration Standards?
ASTM E4 stands for American Society for Testing and Materials.
Calibration under ASTM indicates that the testing machine is accurate to 1% of the transducer’s full capacity. In other words, the maximum error that can occur is 1% of a transducer’s maximum capacity. ASTM is widely used in the United States and North America.
ISO 7500-1 is an internationally used standard method for testing machines.
Calibration under ISO provides a wider range of accuracy classes going from 0.5 up to 3.
A2LA stands for American Association for Laboratory Accreditation.
Calibration under A2LA is one of the internationally recognized accreditation bodies which is also an independent and non-profit organization based in the United States. Its main activity is to offer conformity assessment and accreditation services for bodies such as bio-banking facilities, inspection bodies, product certification bodies, proficiency testing providers, and reference material producers.
COFRAC stands for Commite Francaise D' áccreditation.
COFRAC is a French calibration accreditation body founded in 1994 by a governmental initiative. It provides conformity assessment and accreditation services for local French industries and organizations in addition to many organizations abroad.
UKAS stands for United Kingdom Accreditation Servic.
UKAS is the UK’s national calibration accreditation body. UKAS is independent from government. It is a non-profit-distributing private company.
NABL stands for National Accreditation Board of Testing and Calibration.
NABL Laboratories are based in India. It is the national accreditation body that provides conformity assessment/requirements and accreditation for testing and calibration laboratories, medical testing laboratories, proficiency testing providers and reference material producers.
PJLA stands for Perry Johnson Laboratory Accreditation.
PJLA is based in the United States, offers ISO/IEC 17025 Lab Calibration Accreditation to meet the needs of various types of laboratories. It is recognized on the US national level and most importantly on the international level by APAC and ILAC.
INMETRO stands for The National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality.
INMETRO is the national accreditation body in Brazil. The Calibration Institute's main mission is to empower national companies by setting guidelines and mechanisms to improve their products and services.
TURKAK is the national accreditation body for Turkey, in charge of assessing the organizations’ compliance and capability in providing testing, calibration and inspection services.
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